I have the following issue:
I have a non maven project in NetBeans
which has utf-8
(as shown with - right click on project properties).
In project I have created JaxB
xml binding and so some sources are generated in generated
However generated sources are not using utf-8
and so I got
error: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8
if I try to compile.
If I change netbeans_default_options
in (netbeans etc\netbeans.conf
) so that it contains the line -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
the problem for the particular project is solved - everything compiles fine.
But this breaks the rest of my projects which are not utf-8
I am looking for the solution that will not impact the rest of my projects.
The solution was adding the following
<arg value="-encoding"/>
<arg value="UTF-8"/>
into the ant script
so that the resulting xjc would look like this
<xjc package="mypackage" destdir="build/generated/jaxbCache/mypackage" catalog="catalog.xml">
<pathelement location="${src.dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${jaxbwiz.xjcrun.classpath}"/>
<arg value="-xmlschema"/>
<arg value="-encoding"/>
<arg value="UTF-8"/>
<schema file="xml-resources/jaxb/mypackage/mypackage.xsd"/>
<depends file="xml-resources/jaxb/mypackage/mypackage.xsd"/>
<produces dir="build/generated/jaxbCache/mypackage"/>
Ofcourse the xml_binding_build.xml
is generated (automatically) and normally should not be edited by hand.
However this workatround is enough for me and it is better than converting every project to utf-8