In the assignment, I'm working on, I have to create a huge box in an OpenGL window and be able to rotate it.
A window is being created by this code:
window = glfwCreateWindow(1000, 1000, "Window for Box", NULL, NULL);
This first 1000
in the above line corresponds to the width of the window where the second 1000
window corresponds to the height of the window.
Now, when I open the lid of the box I've created and rotated it, it looks like this:
The yellow coloured square is the lid and it is opened. You can see that it doesn't look like a box as the depth of the window is less and the box is cut with a white surface. How can I increase the window size to display box perfectly?
The window is 2D, it has no depth. What you're looking for is a projection matrix. If you have used glOrtho()
, the last parameter defines how far from the camera a fragment can be, to still be visible. If you have defined your own projection matrix set the zFar value to be greater than the z coordinates of all your vertices.
Alternatively you can use depth clamping: