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What does the term "genType" mean in OpenGL/GLSL?

In GLSL documentation, the term genType is used often as the type of parameters. For example, the function dot is documented as follows:

float dot(genType x,
          genType y);

double dot(genDType x,
           genDType y);

What does the term genType mean? What does it abbreviate? Is it used elsewhere than OpenGL?


  • It's a catch-all for multiple types. From the specification section 8

    When the built-in functions are specified below, where the input arguments (and corresponding output) can be float , vec2 , vec3 , or vec4 , genType is used as the argument. Where the input arguments (and corresponding output) can be int , ivec2 , ivec3 , or ivec4 , genIType is used as the argument.

    For reference, all the "generic" types:

    • genType: floats
    • genDType: double floats
    • genIType: signed integers
    • genUType: unsigned integers
    • genBType: booleans
    • mat: float matrices
    • dmat: double matrices