I have the below method which returns true if a growth rate is less than 0 or false otherwise. I was wondering what kind of method it would be, mutator or accessor.
public boolean endangered(double GR) {
if (GR < 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
It does not access or mutate any value — its a new value that is being returned, it seems, and will possibly be used somewhere.
Below is the full class, if that helps:
public class Species {
private int population;
private double growthRATE;
private String speciesName;
private String endangered;
public Species() {
speciesName = "Dingo";
population = 1000;
growthRATE = 0.6;
public Species(String name, int population, double GR) {
name = name;
population = population;
growthRATE = GR;
//Mutator methods
//accessor methods
public boolean endangered(double GR) {
if (GR < 0) {
return GR < 0;
} else {
return GR < 0;
None of them. You doesn't mutate any instance and you don't return a field instance either.
Your method makes some logic, so you could say that it is a logic/business method.