I try to fix this error that is appear in my project from day 0 that I receive an uncompleted project to complete it. In the master developer environment the project runs fine with the same settings and configuration.
But in my working environment work, but printout extra this: Error task.call(): java.lang.NullPointerException
, for every bundle that is connected in the middle-ware.
All working fine except this error, so I suppose that there is somewhere a hidden trick that will fix it.
Thanks in advance!
Error task.call(): java.lang.NullPointerException
Error task.call(): java.lang.NullPointerException
Middleware Started!
bundleresource://8.fwk772779514/gosh_profile:20.9: RuntimeException: Command name evaluates to null: $exception
osgi> exit
Really want to stop Equinox? (y/n; default=y)
Finally, after a lot of time, building my own p2 repo and adding only the absolutely required plugins on its latest versions, fortunately fix that horrible issue! The previous repo had a lot of plugins that I didn't actually use it. Some of that plugins was outdated in the older repo and seem that it was not compatible with each other.