Search code examples

Ag-Grid filter not shown

I have this code in my html file:

<ag-grid-angular   #agGrid
                   style="height: 300px"


and the filter icon is visible but when click on that nothing happens and ag-grid filters not shown. What is going wrong?


import { AgGridNg2 } from 'ag-grid-angular';

@ViewChild('agGrid') agGrid: AgGridNg2

columnDefs = [
        headerName: 'row',
        headerCheckboxSelection: true,
        checkboxSelection: true,
        pinned: "right",
        width: 150
    { headerName: 'code', field: 'Code'},
    { headerName: 'name', field: 'Name' },


gridOptions = {
    rowSelection: 'multiple',
    enableSorting: 'true',
    enableColResize: 'true',
    enableRtl: 'true',
    pagination: 'true',
    paginationAutoPageSize: 'true',
    animateRows: 'true'


  • you are assigning string 'true' to Boolean(true or false), and the ts code should be something like:

    import {Component} from "@angular/core";
    import {GridOptions} from "ag-grid";
        selector: 'app-my-grid-application',
        templateUrl: './my-grid-application.component.html'
    export class MyGridApplicationComponent {
        private gridOptions: GridOptions ;
        constructor() {
            this.gridOptions = <GridOptions>{
              enableSorting: true,
              enableFilter: true
            this.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
                headerName: 'row',
                headerCheckboxSelection: true,
                checkboxSelection: true,
                pinned: "right",
                width: 150,
                field: 'row'
                headerName: 'Code', 
                field: 'code'
                headerName: 'Name', 
                field: 'name' 
            this.gridOptions.rowData = [
                {row: 'test', code: 'test' , name:'test'}
