I am taking a basic Java class and I am at the finishing part of my assignment. My only problem is figuring out my currency formats. I am not getting the right conversions and outputs. Per my assignment I have a two files a class and an executable file and I must display the price of books after they have been reduced by 40% and show the most expensive book after the discount. I am not sure how to go about figuring the currency formats for the proper output.
This is what my program is supposed to display.
This is what my program is displaying
Book title:Java Programming, author:Liang, pages:1320, price: $145.0
Book title:Horton Hears a Who!, author:Dr.Seuss, pages:72, price: $19.99
Book title:The Hobbit, author:Tolkien, pages:320, price: $9.25
Book title:Born a Crime, author:Noah, pages:304, price: $17.33
Book title:null, author:null, pages:0, price: $0.0
Book title:null, author:null, pages:0, price: $0.0
Books after completing library and 40% discount
Book title:Java Programming, author:Liang, pages:1320, price: $58.0
Book title:Horton Hears a Who!, author:Dr.Seuss, pages:72, price: $7.9959999999999996
Book title:The Hobbit, author:Tolkien, pages:320, price: $3.7
Book title:Born a Crime, author:Noah, pages:304, price: $6.9319999999999995
Book title:Dark Territory, author:Kaplan, pages:352, price: $4.496
Book title:Born to Run, author:Springsteen, pages:508, price: $4.868
Here is the most expensive book after discounts
Book title:Java Programming, author:Liang, pages:1320, price: $58.0
Here is my code: This is the class file
public class Book {
//instance data members
private String title;
private String author;
private int pages;
private double price;
//public static int set to 0
public static int numBooks = 0;
//parameterized constructor
Book(String title, String author, int pages, double price){
//default constructor
title = author = null;
price = pages = 0;
//getters and setters
void setTitle(String title) {
void setAuthor(String author) {
void setPages(int pages) {
void setPrice(double price) {
String getTitle() {
return title;
String getAuthor() {
return author;
int getPages() {
return pages;
double getPrice() {
return price;
//toString method to return string showing state of a book instance
public String toString() {
String str = "Book title:" + title + ", author:" + author +
", pages:" + pages + ", price: $" + price;
return str;
This is the executable file
public class TestBook {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// array to hold 6 book objects specify data in first 4
Book[] bookArray=new Book[6];
bookArray[0]=new Book("Java Programming","Liang",1320,145.00);
bookArray[1]=new Book("Horton Hears a Who!","Dr.Seuss",72,19.99);
bookArray[2]=new Book("The Hobbit","Tolkien",320,9.25);
bookArray[3]=new Book("Born a Crime","Noah",304,17.33);
bookArray[4]=new Book();
bookArray[5]=new Book();
for(Book b:bookArray)
System.out.println("\nBooks after completing library and 40% discount");
Book expensive = reduceBooks(bookArray);
for(Book b:bookArray)
System.out.println("\nHere is the most expensive book after discounts\n" + expensive.toString());
//void method, use setter method to fill in last 2 books in array
static void finishArray(Book[]array) {
array[4].setTitle("Dark Territory");
array[5].setTitle("Born to Run");
static Book reduceBooks(Book[]array) {
Book mostExpensiveBook=null;
//reduce price of every book by 40%
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
else if(mostExpensiveBook.getPrice()<array[i].getPrice())
mostExpensiveBook = array[i];
return mostExpensiveBook;
"A" simple solution, might be to make use a the NumberFormat
class, for example...
public static class Book {
//instance data members
protected static final NumberFormat FORMATTER = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
public String toString() {
String str = "Book title:" + title + ", author:" + author
+ ", pages:" + pages + ", price: " + FORMATTER.format(price);
return str;
Which will output something like...
Book title:Java Programming, author:Liang, pages:1320, price: $145.00
Book title:Horton Hears a Who!, author:Dr.Seuss, pages:72, price: $19.99
Book title:The Hobbit, author:Tolkien, pages:320, price: $9.25
Book title:Born a Crime, author:Noah, pages:304, price: $17.33
Book title:null, author:null, pages:0, price: $0.00
Book title:null, author:null, pages:0, price: $0.00
Books after completing library and 40% discount
Book title:Java Programming, author:Liang, pages:1320, price: $58.00
Book title:Horton Hears a Who!, author:Dr.Seuss, pages:72, price: $8.00
Book title:The Hobbit, author:Tolkien, pages:320, price: $3.70
Book title:Born a Crime, author:Noah, pages:304, price: $6.93
Book title:Dark Territory, author:Kaplan, pages:352, price: $4.50
Book title:Born to Run, author:Springsteen, pages:508, price: $4.87
Here is the most expensive book after discounts
Book title:Java Programming, author:Liang, pages:1320, price: $58.00
You can configure the formatter to better meet your individual requirements, but it should give you a starting point
A "alternative" solution might be to make use of String.format
, for example...
public String toString() {
String str = "Book title:" + title + ", author:" + author
+ ", pages:" + pages + ", price: " + String.format("$%.2f", price);
return str;
which will do a similar job (but NumberFormat
will take into account the current users Locale
when formatting the String