I'm working on a Java project, and currently have JUnit 4 set up to run some unit tests.
In this makefile: https://github.com/bprollinson/larp/blob/master/Makefile I'm using the "test" target to run tests. This works fine.
However, I want to change the directory structure of the unit tests from being flat (all in src/test) to mirror the application code directory structure. Application directory structure currently looks like:
src/main/larp/parser/contextfreelanguage src/main/larp/parser/regularlanguage src/main/larp/parsertree/regularlanguage ...
I've tried moving a test class into this directory structure, then adding the appropriate namespace declaration at the top of the file (e.g. moved src/tests/DFATest.java into src/test/larp/automaton and added "package larp.automaton;" at the top).
However, it generates the following error: Could not find class [Classname]
Is there something special I need to do to get JUnit to tie into namespaces in unit test classes.
check your project location and find your .class file and then edit and mention new directory structure instead of src/test.