I'm cracking my brains about the following linq to sql query. The idea is to get the smallest next integer number, compared to all REG_CODE items. This field (REG_CODE) is an varchar(10) field. I am trying to convert the following tsql to linq-to-entities (EF 6.0):
SELECT TOP 1 CAST( [Extent1].[REG_CODE] AS int) + 1
FROM [dbo].[Notifications] [Extent1]
WHERE NOT ([Extent1].[REG_CODE] LIKE N'%~[a-z]%' ESCAPE N'~') AND (1 = (ISNUMERIC([Extent1].[REG_CODE]))) AND
NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Notifications] t2 WHERE CAST( t2.REG_CODE AS int) = CAST( [Extent1].[REG_CODE] AS int) + 1 )
(take note of the + 1 's, I want the next part) The design is not really that awsome. The field [REG_CODE] should have been an integer field, bud it's not and will not be anytime soon.
float notificationMaxRegCodeNumeric =
db.Notifications.Where(not => not.Reg_Code != null && !not.Reg_Code.Contains("[a-z]") && SqlFunctions.IsNumeric(not.Reg_Code) == 1)
.OrderByDescending(not => not.Reg_Code)
.Select(not => not.Reg_Code)
Converts successfully into:
SELECT MAX(CAST( [Extent1].[REG_CODE] AS int)) AS[A1]
FROM[dbo].[Notifications] AS[Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[REG_CODE] IS NOT NULL) AND(NOT([Extent1].[REG_CODE] LIKE N'%~[a-z]%' ESCAPE N'~')) AND(1 = (ISNUMERIC([Extent1].[REG_CODE])))
So far I've got:
int nextNotificationMaxRegCodeNumericInt = db.Notifications.Where(not =>
not.Reg_Code != null && !not.Reg_Code.Contains("[a-z]") &&
SqlFunctions.IsNumeric(not.Reg_Code) == 1 &&
db.Notifications.Any(klainternal => not.Reg_Code.Cast<int>() == klainternal.Reg_Code.Cast<int>())
.OrderByDescending(not => not.Reg_Code)
.Select(not => not.Reg_Code)
but it throws:
DbExpressionBinding requires an input expression with a collection ResultType`.
Also Convert.ToInt32()
is throwing:
linq to entities does not recognize the method 'int32 toint32(system.string)' method`
(the .Max()
is not really relevant in what I am looking for, bud it's in the working part of the query)
Any suggestions?
First, congratulations for finding the Cast<T>()
trick! It seems to be the only out of the box EF6 way of casting string
to something else - all other attempts like (int)(object)stringValue
or Convert.ToInt32(stringValue)
are simply blocked as not supported.
But note that the Cast<T>()
method is defined for IEnumerable
and IQueryable
and the result is respectively IEnumerable<T>
and IQueryable<T>
, i.e. works on sequence and produces sequence. It appears on string
because string
is IEnumerable<char>
, thus IEnumerable
, but it's not what we need.
So the trick is to always use projection (Select
) + Cast
to do the conversions. Applying it to your query leads to something like this:
int nextNotificationMaxRegCodeNumericInt = db.Notifications
.Where(n => n.Reg_Code != null &&
!n.Reg_Code.Contains("[a-z]") &&
SqlFunctions.IsNumeric(n.Reg_Code) == 1)
.Select(n => n.Reg_Code).Cast<int>() // <--
.Select(reg_Code => reg_Code + 1)
.Where(reg_Code => !db.Notifications.Select(n => n.Reg_Code).Cast<int>() // <--
.OrderByDescending(reg_Code => reg_Code)
which converts to
[Project1].[C1] AS [C1]
CAST( [Extent1].[Reg_Code] AS int) + 1 AS [C1]
FROM [dbo].[Notifications] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[Reg_Code] IS NOT NULL) AND ( NOT ([Extent1].[Reg_Code] LIKE N'%~[a-z]%' ESCAPE N'~')) AND (1 = (ISNUMERIC([Extent1].[Reg_Code])))
) AS [Project1]
1 AS [C1]
FROM [dbo].[Notifications] AS [Extent2]
WHERE CAST( [Extent2].[Reg_Code] AS int) = [Project1].[C1]
ORDER BY [Project1].[C1] DESC