I'm using scrollmagic.io and am making an anchor navigation menu. I'm following this tutorial. The scroll works! Except it was scrolling back to the beginning and not to the page it should be at.
Here is my code:
// init controller
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
// animate scroll instead of a jump
controller.scrollTo(function(target) {
console.log('target = '+target); // THIS IS PRINTING 0
/* Commenting out what it should do for simplicity. */
// scroll action when you click the nav links
$(document).on('click', 'a[href^=#]', function(e) {
var id = $(this).attr('href'); // get the href of clicked link
if ($(id).length > 0) { // not empty links
e.preventDefault(); // prevent normal link action
// this is the function call
console.log('id = '+id); // IT PRINTS CORRECT HERE
controller.scrollTo(id); // scroll on click
// update the URL
if (window.history && window.history.pushState) {
history.pushState("", document.title, id);
And here is the output of my console log:
id = #{the-href-value}
target = 0
My Javascript is pretty rusty, but this doesn't seem right to me. Why is it changing my variable from a string to a 0 when I pass it as a parameter?
From the documents:
"This function will be used for future scroll position modifications. This provides a way for you to change the behaviour of scrolling and adding new behaviour like animation. The function receives the new scroll position as a parameter and a reference to the container element using this. It may also optionally receive an optional additional parameter (see below)"
So, the first parameter is passed by controller. You will get your parameter after that.
Try printing console.log(args);
controller.scrollTo(function(scrollPos, targetHrefISent) {
console.log('target = '+targetHrefISent); // THIS IS PRINTING 0
/* Commenting out what it should do for simplicity. */