What is the correct syntax for passing a variable number of MTLTexture's as an array to a fragment shader?
This StackOverflow Question: "How to use texture2d_array array in metal?" mentions the use of:
array<texture2d<half>, 5>
However, this requires specifying the size of the array. In Metal Shading Language Specification.pdf (Sec. 2.11) they also demonstrate this type. However, they also refer to array_ref
but it's not clear to me how to use it, or if it's even allowed as a parameter type for a fragment shared given this statement:
"The array_ref type cannot be passed as an argument to graphics and kernel functions."
What I'm currently doing is just declaring the parameter as:
fragment float4 fragmentShader(RasterizerData in [[ stage_in ]],
sampler s [[ sampler(0) ]],
const array<texture2d<half>, 128> textures [[ texture(0) ]]) {
const half4 c = textures[in.textureIndex].sample(s, in.coords);
Since the limit is 128 fragment textures. In any render pass, I might use between 1..n textures, where I ensure that n does not exceed 128. That seems to work for me, but am I Doing It Wrong?
My use-case is drawing a 2D plane that is sub-divided into a bunch of tiles. Each tile's content is sampled from a designated texture in the array based on a pre-computed texture index. The textures are set using setFragmentTexture:atIndex
in the correct order at the start of the render pass. The texture index is passed from the vertex shader to the fragment shader.
You should consider an array texture instead of a texture array. That is, a texture whose type is MTLTextureType2DArray
. You use the arrayLength
property of the texture descriptor to specify how many 2-D slices the array texture contains.
To populate the texture, you specify which slice you're writing to with methods such as -replaceRegion:...
or -copyFrom{Buffer,Texture}:...toTexture:...
In a shader, you can specify which element to sample or read from using the array