Assume, that we have the following peace of the code:
@ConditionalOnProperty(value = "scheduling.enable")
public class AcmeServiceApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Does @ConditionalOnProperty
annotation will enable\disable only @EnableScheduling
or it will have an impact on @EnableCaching
as well?
Did not find an answer in the documentation.
When a condition, such as @ConditionalOnProperty
, is used on a class, it controls whether or not the whole class is processed. When it is used on a @Bean
method, it controls whether or not the individual method is processed.
In the case of your specific example, if the condition matches, AcmeServiceApplication
will be processed and therefore both scheduled and caching will be enabled and @SpringBootApplication
will take effect by enabling auto-configuration and component scanning. If the condition does not match, AcmeServiceApplication
will not be processed and therefore neither scheduling nor caching will be enabled and @SpringBootApplication
will have no effect.