How to find a reference when we have composite key(two or more columns) to pass on as second parameter to the JPA entityManager.find(Object.class, compositeKey)?
My try- I have created an Arraylist and added the values forming compositeKey it and then passing this list to the find method.
For ex: In my situation, userid and projectid together is the key for the UserProject table and these two have been added to the arraylist named as list, which will be passed as a second parameter to the entityManager find method as shown below:
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
UserProject userProject = em.find(UserProject.class,list);
But this always return as null, even though userid and projectId exists on the table. Has anyone been into similar issue? Solution?
JPA's EntityManager#find doesn't accept arrays as key but Object
. Since you are talking about composite key you should implement your key in a separate class which will represent the composite key by listing all the key separate properties. You can achieve this using EmbeddedId for instance.
For example:
You should define the composite key class and annotate with @Embeddable
public class UserProjectKey implements Serializable{
private String userId;
private String projectId;
//constructors, getters, setters
and use it as @EmbeddedId
in your entity.
To search by the key you can do:
UserProjectKey key = new UserProjectKey("userIdExample", "projectIdExample");
em.find(UserProject.class, key);