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How to parse inner class from java source code

I use the to parse the java source code

I tried a lot of methods to parse inner class ; like this :

class A {
    int x;
    public void method2() {...}
        class B {
            int number;
            public void methods() {...}

I try to parse class B and it's variables and methods, but I failed.

Is there any example to show how to get the B class?

I can parse class A methods name and content or variables content, like this:

 CompilationUnit cu = JavaParser.parse(in);

 ClassVisitor classVisitor = new ClassVisitor();
 classVisitor.visit(cu, null);

 class ClassVisitor extends VoidVisitorAdapter<Void> {
    public void visit(ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration n, Void arg) {

        // get class methods
        for(MethodDeclaration method : n.getMethods()) {
            System.out.println("Name :" + method.getName());
            System.out.println("Body :" + method.getBody().get());

But I try to parse class B varible and method ,failed!

try the CompilationUnit.getTypes(), like this :

CompilationUnit cu = JavaParser.parse(in);

for(TypeDeclaration<?> type : cu.getTypes()) {"Type Name :{}", type.getName());

result : n.s.dictionary.parse.JavaCodeParse : Type Name :A

Not resolved to B class


  • For somebody who need it :

    for(TypeDeclaration type : cu.getTypes()) {
            // first give all this java doc member
            List<BodyDeclaration> members = type.getMembers();
            // check all member content
            for(BodyDeclaration member : members) {
                // if member state equal ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration, and you can identify it which is inner class
                if(member.isClassOrInterfaceDeclaration()) {
          "class name :{}", member.asClassOrInterfaceDeclaration().getName());
                    // get inner class method
                    for(MethodDeclaration method : member.asClassOrInterfaceDeclaration().getMethods()) {
              "Method Name :{}", method.getName());

    if you hava many inner class, just write recursive method