I used the VDM generator to create client classes for a custom OData service in S/4.
I'm trying to use the generated *Service class to get information from an Entity Set, using custom $filter
and $expand
parameters, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do so.
(The FluentHelperRead
class doesn't have any method for defining custom parameters, like the ODataQueryBuilder
Right now this is what I'm using (it works):
* Query the I_MaintenancePlan entity set filtered by a list of Maint.Plan IDs
* (The navigation property to_CallHistory will be preloaded via $expand)
public List<MaintenancePlan> getMaintenancePlansById(final Iterable<String> maintPlanIds)
throws ODataException {
// Build lightweight $filter with the IDs
String[] filterParts = StreamSupport.stream(maintPlanIds.spliterator(), false)
.map(e -> String.format("MaintenancePlan eq '%s'", StringUtils.urlEncode(e)))
if (filterParts.length == 0)
return new ArrayList<>(0);
String filter = String.join(" or ", filterParts);
ErpConfigContext erpConfig = new ErpConfigContext(DESTINATION_NAME);
List<MaintenancePlan> result = ODataQueryBuilder.withEntity(ZCUSTOMODATASRVService.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PATH, "I_MaintenancePlan")
.param("$filter", filter)
.withHeader("sap-client", erpConfig.getSapClient().getValue())
.withHeader("sap-language", erpConfig.getLocale().getLanguage())
return result;
and MaintenancePlan
are generated VDM classes)
This is what I would like to use (using only the VDM classes):
ZCUSTOMODATASRVService service = new DefaultZCUSTOMODATASRVService();
List<MaintenancePlan> result = service.getAllMaintenancePlan()
.param("$filter", filter)
.param("$expand", "to_CallHistory")
Is there any way to do this?
Given your metadata, your VDM call could look like this:
List<MaintenancePlan> =
new DefaultZCUSTOMODATASRVService()
You could expand further or reduce the projection via nested selects:
List<MaintenancePlan> result =
new DefaultZCUSTOMODATASRVService()