I'm using a ListView in my project and wanted to add a context menu to each list item so that each can be removed individually. When using the following code this appears to work just fine:
postList.setCellFactory(lv -> {
ListCell<Result> cell = new ListCell<>();
ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
StringBinding stringBinding = new StringBinding() {
protected String computeValue() {
if (cell.itemProperty().getValue() == null) {
return "";
return cell.itemProperty().getValue().getTitle();
MenuItem deleteItem = new MenuItem();
deleteItem.textProperty().bind(Bindings.format("Delete item"));
deleteItem.setOnAction(event -> postList.getItems().remove(cell.getItem()));
contextMenu.getItems().addAll(openPermalink, openSubreddit, openURL, deleteItem);
cell.emptyProperty().addListener((obs, wasEmpty, isNowEmpty) -> {
if (isNowEmpty) {
} else {
return cell;
However, after clearing the post list - although the items appear to be removed - when another is added all of the removed items re-appear and the item to be added is not displayed.
Any items what could be causing this? It only happens when I set the cell factory and is fine otherwise.
I recorded a small gif to help better explain the issue:
Thank you!
Edit: It appears that the issue is mainly to do with this segment
StringBinding stringBinding = new StringBinding() {
protected String computeValue() {
if (cell.itemProperty().getValue() == null) {
return "";
return cell.itemProperty().getValue().getTitle();
As is seems that even though the items are there they have an empty display title
If you use ListCell.updateItem()
workflow instead of the StringBinding
it should work:
ListCell< Result > cell = new ListCell< Result >() {
protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item != null) {
} else {
Your binding workflow seems to create an unnecessary dependency which blocks deletion.
P.S.: why do you use binding for static text in deleteItem
? Just assign the value directly:
MenuItem deleteItem = new MenuItem();
deleteItem.setText("Delete item");