I have the following class written in Kotlin+Guice that is invoked with a lambda
class LambdaProcessor @Inject constructor(private val s3Util: S3Util) {
fun lambdaInvokesThisMethod() {
That works great for unit testing, but lambda requires the class to have an empty constructor.
I can convert this same class to have an empty constructor by doing this:
class LambdaProcessor {
@Inject lateinit var s3Util: S3Util
init {
fun lambdaInvokesThisMethod() {
That code now works great on lambda but I can't mock s3Util in my unit tests anymore because the init method gets called.
How can I get both scenarios to work together?
In Kotlin, if you have a default constructor then all your other constructors must call your default. But, you can have multiple constructors without a default constructor. Here is the final code we used.
class LambdaProcessor {
@Inject private lateinit var s3Util: S3Util
* Lambda calls the no-arg constructor, use our IoC library to initialize our dependencies
constructor() {
* Unit-testing constructor
constructor(s3Util: S3Util) {
this.s3Util = s3Util
fun lambdaInvokesThisMethod() {