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plink.exe - setting number of rows in terminal?

I'm trying to pull information off a switch using plink. The problem is it keeps trying to insert a "press space to continue" break that I don't seem to be able to turn off. I know that this break is inserted based on the number of rows in the terminal; a manual putty session changes the number of lines scrolled based on window height. How can I change plink's behavior to present enough rows for the queries I'm running to complete without wanting to insert breaks?


  • The best solution I've found to this is to send the commands to plink out of a text file like this:

    plink username@host -pw password < commands.txt

    One last issue I encountered is that doing it this way caused it to output a normal session, including the splash message which added a lot of lines to my very carefully-crafted query results. In my situation this was relatively easy to work around as rows with the data I want start with integers and other rows all begin with mixed characters, so I could just build in a simple "if %A equ +%A" check to weed out the useless information.

    For those interested, this is what my single-line command looks like:

    for /f "tokens=1,2,3,7" %A in ('plink user@host -pw pass ^< commands.txt') do @if %A equ +%A for /f "tokens=2 %E in ('plink user@host -pw pass "command using %C from first command"') do @if not %D == %E @echo %B %C %D %E >> outputfile.txt

    It pulls a list and filters it as described above, then uses each row of the list to run a second command to compare a specific bit of information. If a mismatch is found, the relevant information is dropped in the output file.

    Now if I could just figure out how to build in variable prompts that I can use inline. Windows 10 processes those differently and they don't work they way they did in previous versions.

    (yes this would be easy in a batch file, but ridiculous security policies prevent me running batch files that would make my job much easier. So I build stuff like this monstrosity.)