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Call function of specific type in Go

I'm a complete Go newbie, so sorry for the question in advance.

I'm trying to work with a so-defined interface to connect to a message broker:

// Broker is an interface used for asynchronous messaging.
type Broker interface {
    Options() Options
    Address() string
    Connect() error
    Disconnect() error
    Init(...Option) error
    Publish(string, *Message, ...PublishOption) error
    Subscribe(string, Handler, ...SubscribeOption) (Subscriber, error)
    String() string

// Handler is used to process messages via a subscription of a topic.
// The handler is passed a publication interface which contains the
// message and optional Ack method to acknowledge receipt of the message.
type Handler func(Publication) error

// Publication is given to a subscription handler for processing
type Publication interface {
    Topic() string
    Message() *Message
    Ack() error

I'm trying to use the Subscribe-function to subscribe to a channel and thats the point where I'm struggeling right now. My current approach is the following one:

        func(p broker.Publication) {

The error output is cannot use func literal (type func(broker.Publication)) as type broker.Handler in argument to natsBroker.Subscribe.
But how do I ensure that the function type actually is a broker.Handler?

Thx for your time in advance!


In case anybody is interested, the error return type was missing which caused the error, so it should look similar to that:

natsBroker.Subscribe( "QueueName", broker.Handler(func(p broker.Publication) error { fmt.Printf(p.Topic()) return nil }), )


  • As the error indicates, the parameter and what you're passing don't match:

    type Handler func(Publication) error
                 func(p broker.Publication)

    You have no return value. If you add a return value (even if you always return nil), it will work fine.