When coding a check for HTML5 File API browser support like this:
private hasHtml5FileApiSupport;
constructor(@Optional() @Inject(DOCUMENT) document: Document) {
const w = document.defaultView;
this.hasHtml5FileApiSupport = w.File && w.FileReader && w.FileList && w.Blob;
VSCode draws red squigglies under the w.File && w.FileReader && w.FileList
Is there a way to get rid of these / Is there a better way to do this?
If we inject document
using the Document
type then we get the strict type checking, and VSCode draws squigglies, however if we use any
instead of Document
the errors disappear:
private hasHtml5FileApiSupport;
constructor(@Optional() @Inject(DOCUMENT) document: any) {
const w = document.defaultView;
this.hasHtml5FileApiSupport = w.File && w.FileReader && w.FileList && w.Blob;