I have implemented a collection class that converts a vector of tuples to a tuple of vectors (it is essentially an AOS to SOA conversion). This code works for this example of two template classes. I was trying to make it more generic by using variadic templates. In order to do that I need to create the type for the member variable m_col
. In C++17, is it possible to convert a tuple to a tuple of vectors? So the type of the member variance m_col
in this example will be generated automatically from template types.
template<class T1, class T2>
class Collection
std::tuple<std::vector<T1>, std::vector<T2>> m_col;
void addRow(const std::tuple<T1, T2>& data)
void show()
std::cout << std::get<0>(m_col1).size() <<std::endl;
int main()
using data_t = std::tuple<int, double>;
data_t data{1,1.0};
using col_t = Collection<int, double>;
col_t col;
You're using C++17 so... what about using template folding and some std::apply()
I mean
template <typename ... Ts>
class Collection
std::tuple<std::vector<Ts>...> m_col;
void addRow (std::tuple<Ts...> const & data)
std::apply([&](auto & ... vectors){
std::apply([&](auto & ... values){
(vectors.push_back(values), ...);},
data); },
void show () const
std::apply([](auto & ... vectors){
((std::cout << vectors.size() << '\n'), ...);}, m_col);