Let's say I have an app (www.myappsmenu.com) and after selecting some info, input user and password, etc. I need to open www.myapp1.com or www.myapp2.com depending data introduced, all apps made with qooxdoo standalone and different web hosting. How to open the second app and then close the first one ?
Best regards
If I'm understanding you correctly, this isn't really qooxdoo-specific. You can redirect to a new URL with something like
window.location.href = "http://www.myapp1.com";
You can put that in a qooxdoo event listener, e.g.,
button = new qx.ui.form.Button("MyApp1");
window.location.href = "http://www.myapp1.com";
This will redirect to the new page when the button is pressed.