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qooxdoo : Rotate Button along its center

I have a qx.ui.form.Button. I would like it to rotate 180 degree ( i.e. upside down ) along its center when I click the button. (I'm working on qx.Desktop )

var btn = new qx.ui.form.Button(null, "myproject/button.png");
btn.addListener("click", function () {
  // which function should I use ?

The rotation should have animation, i.e. rotate clockwise.


  • qooxdoo does not have transformations build in the widget layer itself but it offers a way to animate / rotate dom elements. So you have to get the container element of the button and start a animation on that:

    var el = btn.getContainerElement().getDomElement();, {
      duration: 1000, timing: "ease", keep: 100, keyFrames : {
        0: {rotate: "0deg"},       // ["0deg"] for flipping effect
        100 : {rotate : "180deg"}  // ["180deg"] for flipping effect

    Check out the documentation of the animate function to see how this code works:

    And here is a working playground sample.