I have implemented deep linking into my android application, Everything is working fine except for getting query parameters from the URL.
I am following the instructions at this link to get parameters.
The URL looks like this:
I am doing something like this:
deeplink :- myapp://path/want?a=first&b=second
Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
String valueOne = uri.getQueryParameter("a");
String valueTwo = uri.getQueryParameter("b");
I am getting the correct value of "valueOne" but getting null for "valueTwo", and I can't figure out why.
It's been awhile.. hope this can help somebody:
I hit the same issue recently.
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE -d "http://test.com/service1?param1=value1¶m2=value2"
only first query parameter is kept. (¶m2=value2
is dropped) Looks like a bug.