i have excel cell inputs like this:
Line 644: 6
Line 1004:
the only thing i need is the number next to the ":" so in the above cases i need
644 and 1004. all cells are formatted as "general" is there a quick way to remove the other not needed characters and only extract the needed numbers ?
i tried with =LEFT(Q2,4) for the first example above, but this gives me an error "The formula you typed contains an error"
How about:
=MID(MID(A1,1,FIND(":",A1)-1),FIND(" ",MID(A1,1,FIND(":",A1)-1))+1,9999)
MUCH more reliable would be:
Public Function GetNumber(r As Range) As Variant
Dim arr, L As Long, i As Long, CH As String, temp As String
GetNumber = ""
arr = Split(r.Value, ":")
L = Len(arr(0))
CH = ""
temp = ""
For i = L To 1 Step -1
CH = Mid(arr(0), i, 1)
If CH Like "[0-9]" Then
temp = CH & temp
GetNumber = temp
Exit Function
End If
Next i
GetNumber = temp
End Function
Because this UDF() does not rely on a single space before the number.
if a formula like:
does not work, next try: