I want to create an asset with aspects and write/read data to/from it.
The MindSphere API Document says that assets can be created using the API. Do you have a running code example for creating an asset via the API? Is it also possible to create it with the Web-GUI? If so, which account is necessary for that (type)?
Do you have a running code example for creating an asset via the API?
At developer.mindsphere.io you will find the API documentation with examples. Specifically for an asset creation you'll need the Asset Management Service API. I recommend to play with APIs with an API testing tool of your choice, like for example Postman or Insomnia.
Is it also possible to create it with the Web-GUI?
Sure, every MindSphere tenant has a web tool/app called "Asset Manager", which allows you to define Assets, Asset Types and Aspects usung the web GUI only.