I'm using Jetty 9.4 (but I've tried 9.2 as well), spring-data-redis
1.8.6 and Spring 4.2. I'm essentially using the default configuration provided by org.springframework.session.data.redis.config.annotation.web.http.RedisHttpSessionConfiguration
and everything seems to be working just fine until I add a Controller
that has a endpoint that returns org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.SseEmitter
@RequestMapping(value = "sse", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<SseEmitter> sse() {
SseEmitter emitter = new SseEmitter();
return ResponseEntity.ok().header("Cache-Control", "no-store").body(emitter);
What seems to happen is that when there's a connection timeout to the SSE connection after 30s, Spring/Jetty tries to close a listener. But this fails due to a ClassCastException
which is printed in the console:
[WARNING] java.lang.ClassCastException:
cannot be cast to org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler$SessionIf
while invoking onComplete listener
This happens roughly every 30s. If I navigate to another page which doesn't connect to the SSE endpoint the warning goes away.
Is this something to worry about? What is causing this? How can I fix it?
This was a bug in Jetty and fixed in version 9.4.13.v20181111