I have following data set to represent sales record:
sn| Channel | Category | Brand |qty | gross |
1 |"Mini Market" | "Large MM" | "ARIEL" |3 | 100 |
2 |"Mini Market" | "Large MM" | "ARIEL" |6 | 200|
3 |"Mini Market" | "Large MM" | "GILLETTE" |12 | 103.88|
4 |"Mini Market" | "Large MM" | "OLAY" |2 | 50 |
5 |"Mini Market" | "Large MM" | "OLAY" |6 | 10|
6 |"Mini Market" | "Small MM" | "GILLETTE" |5 | 20 |
7 |"Mini Market" | "Small MM" | "GILLETTE" |3 | 30|
8 |"Mini Market" | "Small MM" | "OLAY" |3 | 80.3 |
9 |"Mini Market" | "Small MM" | "ORAL B" |6 | 100 |
10|"Mini Market" | "Small MM" | "ORAL B" |7 | 150 |
POJO Classes:
class SalesRecord{
private String channel;
private String category;
private String brand;
private int qty;
private double gross;
//getters and setters
class PivotTable {
Map<Integer,Set<String>> uniqueAttirbuteMap;
List<Pivot> pivot;
//other fields and methods
class Pivot {
public String attribute;
Map<String, Double> aggregates;
List<Pivot> pivotList;
//other fields and methods
Custom Collector class:
public class SalesCollector implements Collector<SalesRecord,
SalesCollector.Accumulator, PivotTable> {
private static final String GROSS_SUM = "sum_gross";
private static final String QTY_SUM = "sum_qty"
public List<Double> prices = Lists.newArrayList();
public List<Double> qtys = Lists.newArrayList();
public double totalSales = 0;
public double totalQty = 0;
public SalesCollector(final List<GroupBy> groups) {
this.groups = groups;
public Supplier<Accumulator> supplier() {
return () -> new Accumulator(this.groups, this);
public BiConsumer<Accumulator, SalesRecord> accumulator() {
return Accumulator::accumulate;
public BinaryOperator<Accumulator> combiner() {
return Accumulator::combine;
public Function<Accumulator, PivotTable> finisher() {
return Accumulator::toSummary;
static class Accumulator {
private final List<GroupBy> groups;
private final SalesCollector collector;
PivotTable pivotTable = new PivotTable();
Accumulator(final List<GroupBy> groups, final SalesCollector collector) {
this.groups = groups;
this.collector = collector;
void accumulate(SalesRecord elem) {
double sum = pivotTable.getAggregates().getOrDefault(GROSS_SUM, 0D) + elem.getGross();
pivotTable.getAggregates().put(GROSS_SUM, sum);
double qtySum = pivotTable.getAggregates().getOrDefault(QTY_SUM, 0D) + elem.getQty();
pivotTable.getAggregates().put(QTY_SUM, qtySum);
Accumulator combine(Accumulator other) {
final PivotTable summary = other.toSummary();
double sum_qty =
pivotTable.getAggregates().get(QTY_SUM) + summary.getAggregates().get(QTY_SUM);
pivotTable.getAggregates().put(QTY_SUM, sum_qty);
double sum_gross =
pivotTable.getAggregates().get(GROSS_SUM) + summary.getAggregates().get(GROSS_SUM);
pivotTable.getAggregates().put(GROSS_SUM, sum_gross);
return this;
PivotTable toSummary() {
double sumGross = pivotTable.getAggregates().get(GROSS_SUM);
collector.totalSales += sumGross;
double sumQty = pivotTable.getAggregates().get(QTY_SUM);
collector.totalQty += sumQty;
return pivotTable;
Currently I am using stream and gropuing and have a custom collector to calculate values for qty and gross as follows:
SalesCollector collector = new SalesCollector(groups);
final Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, PivotTable>>> results = salesRecords.stream()
.collect(groupingBy(SalesRecord::getChannel(), TreeMap::new,
groupingBy(SalesRecord::getCategoryName(), TreeMap::new,
groupingBy(SalesRecord::getBrand(), TreeMap::new, collector))));
List<PivotTable> myList = results.values().stream()
My current result is as follows:
PivotTable(pivot:[Pivot(attribute:Mini Market), Pivot(attribute:Large MM), Pivot(attribute:ARIEL, aggregates:{ sum_qty=9, sum_gross=300 })])
PivotTable(pivot:[Pivot(attribute:Mini Market), Pivot(attribute:Large MM), Pivot(attribute:GILLETTE, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 12, sum_gross= 103.88})])
PivotTable(pivot:[Pivot(attribute:Mini Market), Pivot(attribute:Large MM), Pivot(attribute:OLAY, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 8, sum_gross= 60})])
PivotTable(pivot:[Pivot(attribute:Mini Market), Pivot(attribute:Small MM), Pivot(attribute:OLAY, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 3, sum_gross= 80.3})])
PivotTable(pivot:[Pivot(attribute:Mini Market), Pivot(attribute:Small MM), Pivot(attribute:GILLETTE, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 8, sum_gross= 50})])
PivotTable(pivot:[Pivot(attribute:Mini Market), Pivot(attribute:Small MM), Pivot(attribute:ORAL B, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 13, sum_gross= 250})])
What I'm trying to achieve is as follows:
PivotTable(pivot:[Pivot(attribute:Mini Market), Pivot(attribute:Large MM), pivotList:[Pivot(attribute:ARIEL, aggregates:{ sum_qty=9, sum_gross=300 }),
Pivot(attribute:GILLETTE, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 12, sum_gross= 103.88}),Pivot(attribute:OLAY, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 8, sum_gross= 60})])
PivotTable(pivot:[Pivot(attribute:Mini Market), Pivot(attribute:Small MM), Pivot(attribute:GILLETTE, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 8, sum_gross= 50})]),
Pivot(attribute:OLAY, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 3, sum_gross= 80.3}),Pivot(attribute:ORAL B, aggregates:{ sum_qty = 13, sum_gross= 250})])
To put it simply, I want nesting as follows:
Mini Market:
Large MM:
ARIEL: {sum_qty = 9, sum_gross= 300}
GILLETTE: {sum_qty = 12, sum_gross= 103.88}
OLAY: {sum_qty = 8, sum_gross= 60}
Mini Market:
Small MM:
GILLETTE: {sum_qty = 8, sum_gross= 50}
OLAY: {sum_qty = 3, sum_gross= 80.3}
ORAL B: {sum_qty = 13, sum_gross= 250}
Is it possible to achive this with current collector result itself with same grouping? What would be best way to achieve this?
I extended your stream by the missing collector
. It's a dedicated Collector
which maps each SalesRecord
to a Map<String, Double>
. Since Map
has one value type I decided to use Double
Supplier<Map<String, Double>> supplier = TreeMap::new;
BiConsumer<Map<String, Double>, SalesRecord> biConsumer = (map, sr) -> {
map.merge("sum_qty", Double.valueOf(sr.getQty()), (qtySum, qty) -> qtySum + qty);
map.merge("sum_gross", sr.getGross(), (grossSum, gross) -> grossSum + gross);
BinaryOperator<Map<String, Double>> binaryOperator = (l, r) -> {
l.compute("sum_qty", (k, v) -> v + r.get("sum_qty"));
l.compute("sum_gross", (k, v) -> v + r.get("sum_gross"));
return l;
Collector<SalesRecord, Map<String, Double>, Map<String, Double>> collector = Collector.of(supplier, biConsumer, binaryOperator);
Now addded as the last downstream collector to the stream:
Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Double>>>> grouped = salesRecords.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(
SalesRecord::getChannel, TreeMap::new,
Collectors.groupingBy(SalesRecord::getCategory, TreeMap::new,
Collectors.groupingBy(SalesRecord::getBrand, collector))));
The result is a Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Double>>>> grouped
and looks like that (added line breaks for readability):
{Mini Market=
{Large MM={
OLAY={sum_gross=60.0, sum_qty=8.0},
ARIEL={sum_gross=300.0, sum_qty=9.0},
GILLETTE={sum_gross=103.88, sum_qty=12.0}},
Small MM={
OLAY={sum_gross=80.3, sum_qty=3.0},
ORAL B={sum_gross=250.0, sum_qty=13.0},
GILLETTE={sum_gross=50.0, sum_qty=8.0}}