I'm using Autofac in a project, and I'm trying to do it right.
So I've been reading the documentation and found Owned<T>
. It seems like it's the right relationship type to use when i want to dispose something by myself - e.g. a DbContext
which is disposable.
So I changed all my injected factories Func<DbContext>
to Func<Owned<DbContext>>
The only thing is it feels a little dirty the Lazy<T>
like behaviour and to put the Owned in the using and depending on a non framework type...
Is it wrong to not use Owned
at all?
Is there an issue in disposing instances that are not owned by my class like this?
public class MyClass
private readonly Func<DbContext> _dbcFactory;
private MyClass(Func<DbContext> dbcFactory)
_dbcFactory = dbcFactory; // nullcheck etc;
private void TheMethodWhoUpdate(String newName)
using(var dbc = _dbcFactory())
var ent = dbc.Table.Single(x => x.id == 3);
end.Name = newName;
What I was able to imagine (because I can't find a clue on the docs) is that this could lead to some performance issue, because maybe autofac will track that created DbContext instance and try to dispose it again, losing some amount of time (probably very small)... But maybe I'm wrong, and I should stick to the guide.
Why not just use Func<DbContext> dbcFactory
like shown in your code sample?
You shouldn't do that, for two reasons.
then multiple objects (involved in the
same lifetime scope) will get the same instance of the
- which is problematic if one of them disposes it out
from under the other one.