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What's the difference between HandDraggable and GestureAction scripts in the Holotoolkit?

These two scripts, HandDraggable.cs and GestureAction.cs, seem to do very similar things. The MR Academy implements the GestureAction script. What is the difference between these 2 scripts and when would you use one or the other?


  • HandDraggable.cs is a ready-made component whose task is solely for translation an object in the 3D space.

    GestureAction.cs is a component created for the purposes of a tutorial and is not actually a part of the HoloToolkit package.

    It defines a custom action - which could be rotation, scale, translation, etc. They are similar because GestureAction.cs uses the using HoloToolkit.Unity.InputModule namespace, of which HandDraggable.cs is a member, and the tasks they accomplish are both started with a manipulation event.