We have added assertions to our Chisel code, but we only want them to warn, not stop the simulation. Is there a way to tell Chisel to do this?
For example:
assert(x(1) =/= nxt_val(1))
We want this to just give us a warning, so we can collect the log, to find places where clock gating is most effective.
Can you just write a method that you pass the condition and perhaps a behavior flag.
object warnAssert {
def apply(condition: Bool, message: String = "", isFatal: Boolean = false) {
(isFatal, message.isEmpty) {
case (true, true) => assert(condition)
case (true, false) => assert(condition, message)
case (false, _) => when(bool) { printf("Warning: %s\n", message) // line number should get included here