I would like to use DOMPurify to sanitise some HTML content, but I'd like to preserve the HTML comments. Is that possible?
You can see what it does in this example - if you enter markup with a comment the comment is stripped out.
DOMPurify seems very configurable, but the docs don't mention what term to use to specify HTML comment as an allowed tag.
doesn't have any hooks or configuration to allow comments in html string. You can do one this just replace the <!--
and -->
to any custom attribute and provide configuration to allow ADD_TAGS: ['comment']
var dirty = "<!-- I am ready now, click one of the buttons! -->ac <script>in script<\/script> <b>hello</b>";
dirty = dirty.replace(/(<!--)/g,'<comment>').replace(/(-->)/g,'</comment>');
var config = { ALLOWED_TAGS: ['b'],ADD_TAGS: ['comment']};
var clean = DOMPurify.sanitize(dirty, config);
clean = clean.replace(/(<comment>)/g,'<!--').replace(/(<\/comment>)/g,'-->');
console.log("clean => ",clean);
jsFiddle demo - http://jsfiddle.net/4j6c28ve/