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How to add new column to exitsting table symfony - orocommerce

I'm working on an orocommerce project, and it use vendor/oro/bundles/bundle_name
And in that bundle, it have an entity named "oro_customer_user", so i want to add a new column in that table using my new bundles.
I've searched a lot but still no luck.
Almost of solution say i need to fix in vendor/oro/bundles/bundle_name, which i don't want to do.
But still have some solution say i need to use DoctrineMigrationsBundle but i'm not sure about this.

Please give advice, thanks :)


  • Alright, so i've found the solution for orocommerce
    Just use Migration and everything is gonna be fine
    You can check in this link:
    The migrate you have to create manual, because i don't know how to create migrate by command line :( .
    After create migrate done, you only need to run this cmd:

    php app/console oro:migration:load --show-queries

    Now go and check in database, its done already.

    And about entity:
    I still don't know how to custom it in orocommerce. It got a lot of error.