I have a form that is built from many divs, and it will show current form and hide others when I click on "Next" button - this is build using jQuery.
Now, I need to validate something at the back-end so that on autopostback, I will get an error message on a label.
This is the button:
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnNext" CssClass="btn btn-primary pull-right" Text="Next" OnClientClick="return false;"/>
at back-end it is used like this:
If valid Then
lblError.Text = String.Empty
btnNext.Enabled = True
lblError.Text = txtErr
btnNext.Enabled = False
End If
This is the jQuery script for the "Next" button:
btnNext.click(function (e) {
if (divIndex < countDiv) {
return false;
The problem is, when I click "Next", nothing happen. If i remove the btnNext code from the back-end, the button works as it should.
Any thoughts?
I am also using telerik for this project. To get the button changed (enable/disable) without loading the whole page, I'm using RadAjaxManager and btnNext is one of the updated control.
When I remove btnNext from the updated control, the form can work.
I actually manage to solve this. Here goes.
Since I update the button using Telerik RadAjaxManager, I need to re-register the jQuery script to the button.
So, I include the script right after btnNext is used at the back-code.
If blnValid Then
lblError.Text = String.Empty
btnNext.Enabled = True
lblError.Text = txtErr
btnNext.Enabled = False
End If
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(Page), "Script", "initFormWizard();", True)