I am working on a very large module in which this multiplier and adder module is a small part, but it will help me to express my question here.
RTL code:
module mul_and_add #(parameter BITS = 32,
parameter SHIFT = 15
input clk;
input signed [BITS-1:0] i_multiplicand;
input signed [BITS-1:0] i_multiplier;
input signed [BITS-1:0] i_adder;
output signed [BITS-1:0] o_result;
reg signed [2*BITS-1:0] mul_result;
reg signed [BITS:0] add_result;
wire signed [BITS-1:0] o_result;
always @(posedge clk)
mul_result <= i_multiplicand * i_multiplier;
add_result <= i_adder + (mul_result >> SHIFT);
assign o_result = add_result[BITS-1:0];
TB code:
module tb_mul_and_add (
parameter BITS = 32;
reg clk;
reg signed [ BITS - 1 : 0 ] i_multiplicand;
reg signed [ BITS - 1 : 0 ] i_multiplier;
reg signed [ BITS - 1 : 0 ] i_adder;
wire signed [ BITS - 1 : 0 ] o_result;
mul_and_add mul_and_add_i (
parameter CLKPERIODE = 10;
initial clk = 1'b1;
always #(CLKPERIODE/2) clk = !clk;
initial begin
i_multiplicand = 32'h00010000;
i_multiplier = 32'h00010000;
i_adder = 32'h00010000;
i_multiplicand = 32'h00008000;
i_multiplier = 32'h00010000;
i_adder = 32'h00020000;
Output: Cadence SimVision
The data marked with red rectangle is the unwanted data which I want to get rid of because when I use this module several times there are many unwanted data before the correct one. So when I have to sort out the data to plot a graph, it's a lot to go through.
What magic trick is there which I am not aware of to get rid of the unwanted data?
Also, if you have an idea for better optimization or any criticism, please feel free to share.
Change the RTL code to make mul_result
a wire, instead of having a one cycle delay for the calculation:
wire signed [2*BITS-1:0] mul_result = i_multiplicand * i_multiplier;
always @(posedge clk) begin
add_result <= i_adder + (mul_result >> SHIFT);
Change the TB code to align input changes to the clock edge and use non-blocking assignments to avoid race conditions:
initial begin
i_multiplicand = 32'h00010000;
i_multiplier = 32'h00010000;
i_adder = 32'h00010000;
repeat (3) @(posedge clk);
i_multiplicand <= 32'h00008000;
i_multiplier <= 32'h00010000;
i_adder <= 32'h00020000;
As a coding style note, you can reduce clutter by using ANSI module ports:
module mul_and_add #(
parameter BITS = 32,
parameter SHIFT = 15
input clk,
input signed [BITS-1:0] i_multiplicand,
input signed [BITS-1:0] i_multiplier,
input signed [BITS-1:0] i_adder,
output signed [BITS-1:0] o_result
reg signed [BITS:0] add_result;
wire signed [2*BITS-1:0] mul_result = i_multiplicand * i_multiplier;
always @(posedge clk) begin
add_result <= i_adder + (mul_result >> SHIFT);
assign o_result = add_result[BITS-1:0];