I'm trying to implement the UNET Matchmaking system based on a tutorial from Brackeys.
I already enabled the multiplayer services in my Unity account and enabled the service.
When I try to create a match and find it from another PC in my LAN, it works perfect.
When I try to create a match and find it from another PC outside of my LAN, I can't see the match in the match list.
I already searched the docs and google but didn't find anything about it.
Anyone have a clue?
By the way, here is my JoinRoom script.
The return from callback function is successful, but the list of rooms comes back empty.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.Networking.Match;
using System;
public class JoinGame : MonoBehaviour
List<GameObject> roomList = new List<GameObject>();
[SerializeField] GameObject roomListItemPrefab;
[SerializeField] Transform roomListParent;
[SerializeField] Text status;
private NetworkManager networkManager;
void Start()
networkManager = NetworkManager.singleton;
if (networkManager.matchMaker == null)
public void RefreshRoomList()
networkManager.matchMaker.ListMatches(0, 20, "", false, 0, 0, OnMatchList);
status.text = "Loading...";
public void OnMatchList(bool success, string extendedInfo, List<MatchInfoSnapshot> responseData)
status.text = "";
if (!success)
status.text = "Couldn't get room list";
responseData.ForEach(match =>
GameObject _roomListItemGO = Instantiate(roomListItemPrefab);
RoomListItem _roomListItem = _roomListItemGO.GetComponent<RoomListItem>();
if (_roomListItem != null)
_roomListItem.Setup(match, JoinRoom);
//as well as setting up a callback function that will join the game
if (roomList.Count == 0)
status.text = "No rooms at the moment";
public void JoinRoom(MatchInfoSnapshot _match)
Debug.Log($"Joining {_match.name}");
networkManager.matchMaker.JoinMatch(_match.networkId, "", "", "", 0, 0, networkManager.OnMatchJoined);
status.text = $"Joining {_match.name}...";
private void ClearRoomList()
roomList.ForEach(item =>
The whole problem is related with the Unity MM servers load balancers.
My code was only working in my LAN because the server was being created in the same US region.
This happened because my LAN has a VPN with Canada.
When I connect from a PC outside of my LAN, I was being directed to another region, that was why I can't find the server created by my LAN machine.
After deploy to two computers outside of my LAN, they both can create and connect do another one server.