I want run timer for about 30000 ms and up to 8 or more times each so here is my loop but it runs all timers at once after 30000ms
public void repeatTimerTask() {
repeat = 8; // need to run 30 sec timer for 8 times but one after one
startTimer(30000); // firsat timer for 30 sec
Handler handler = new Handler();
for (int a = 1; a<=repeat; a++) {
final int finalA = a;
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 30000); // delay until to finish first timer for 30 sec
To run a timer for n seconds you can use CountDownTimer
Declare two varibales globbaly. One for number of times you want to repeat. and one to keep the count of repetaion.
private int NUM_REPEAT = 4;
private int REPEAT_COUNT = 0;
Then call this method wherever you want. One thing to note if you want to run this loop 5 times you have to give number of repeation 4. Cause to satrt this function you have to call it so that will not come in count.
private void startTimer() {
new CountDownTimer(3000, 1000) {
int secondsLeft = 0;
public void onTick(long ms) {
if (Math.round((float) ms / 1000.0f) != secondsLeft) {
secondsLeft = Math.round((float) ms / 1000.0f);
// resend_timer is a textview
resend_timer.setText("remaining time is "+secondsLeft);
public void onFinish() {
Log.d(TAG, "timer finished "+REPEAT_COUNT);