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Getting undefined reference to "_printf" error for assembly code despite using gcc linker

I am trying to follow the exercise in the book PC Assembly by Paul Carter.

I'm trying to run the program from 1.4 page 23 on Ubuntu 18. The files are all available on the github site above.

Since original code is for 32bit I compile using

nasm -f elf32

for first.asm and asm_io.asm to get the object files. I also compile driver.c

I use the linker from gcc and run

gcc -m32 -o first first.o asm_io.o driver.o 

but it keeps giving me a bun of errors like

undefined reference to '_scanf' undefined reference to '_printf'

(note _printf appears instead of printf because some conversion is done in the file asm_io.asm to maintain compatibility between windows and linux OS's)

I don't know why these errors are appearing. I also try running using linker directly

ld -m elf_i386 -e main -o first -first.o driver.o asm_io.o -I /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ 

and many variations since it seems that its not linking with the C libraries.

Any help? Stuck on this for a while and couldn't find a solution on similar questions


  • Linux doesn't prepend _ to names when mapping from C to asm symbol names in ELF object files1.

    So call printf, not _printf, because there is no _printf in libc.
    (Or in a PIE executable like gcc makes by default on most distros, call printf wrt ..plt)

    Whatever "compatibility" code did that is doing it wrong. Only Windows and OS X use _printf, Linux uses printf.

    So either you've misconfigured something or defined the wrong setting, or it requires updating / porting to Linux.

    Footnote 1: In ancient history (like over 20 years ago), Linux with the a.out file format did use leading underscores on symbol names.

    Update: the library uses the NASM preprocessor to %define _scanf scanf and so on, but it requires you to manually define ELF_TYPE by assembling with nasm -d ELF_TYPE.

    They could have detected ELF32 or ELF64 output formats on their own, because NASM pre-defines __OUTPUT_FORMAT__. Someone should submit a pull-request to make this detection automatic with code something like this:

    %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, elf32
      %define  ELF_TYPE 32
    %elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, elf64
      %define  ELF_TYPE 64
    %ifdef ELF_TYPE