Search code examples

How to test for exception in Nest?

I am trying to test for the results of certain exceptions when Nest has a value in IGetResponse.OriginalException property.

I first set up the response:

var response = A.Fake<Nest.IGetResponse<Dictionary<string, object>>>();
A.CallTo(() => response.OriginalException).Returns(new Exception("Status code 404"));

Then the fake elastic client:

var client = A.Fake<Nest.IElasticClient>();
    .WithReturnType<Nest.IGetResponse<Dictionary<string, object>>>()

The client gets injected into the class I am testing.

However, when stepping through the code, when the client is called it returns a faked response, but the OriginalException getter has no value. Its not null, but none of the properties has any value. I was expecting the OriginalException.Message to equal Status code 404.

I also tried setting the response object to:

var response = A.Fake<Nest.IGetResponse<Dictionary<string, object>>>();
A.CallTo(() => response.OriginalException.Message).Returns("Status code 404");

... with equally poor results.

How can I set the IGetResponse so I can evaluate OriginalException.Message in the class being tested?

More code was requested. I can show the entire test, and I will show the method being tested. Here is my entire test:

    public void Get_ClientReturns404_ThrowsNotFoundException()
        // setup
        var request = new DataGetRequest
            CollectionName = string.Empty,
            DocumentType = string.Empty,
            DataAccessType = string.Empty

        var response = A.Fake<Nest.IGetResponse<Dictionary<string, object>>>();
        A.CallTo(() => response.OriginalException.Message).Returns("Status code 404");

        var client = A.Fake<Nest.IElasticClient>();
            .WithReturnType<Nest.IGetResponse<Dictionary<string, object>>>()

        var elasticSearch = new ElasticSearch(null, client);

        // test
        var result = elasticSearch.Get(request);

        // assert
        Assert.Fail("Should have hit an exception.");

And here is the method being tested:

    public async Task<Dictionary<string, object>> Get(DataGetRequest getRequest)
        GetRequest request = new GetRequest(getRequest.CollectionName, getRequest.DocumentType, getRequest.Id);
        var response = await Client.GetAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>(request);

        if (response.OriginalException != null)
            var message = response.OriginalException.Message;
            if (message.Contains("Status code 404"))
                throw new NotFoundException(String.Format("Not Found for id {0}", getRequest.Id));
                throw new Exception(message);

        return response.Source;

The error handling in the IF block is not very robust. Once the unit test works then the code will likely receive more love.


  • The return type of the mocked client is wrong as the IElasticClient.GetAsync<> returns a Task<IGetResponse<T>>.

    Task<IGetResponse<T>> GetAsync<T>(IGetRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) where T : class;


    So the setup needs to return a Task derived result to allow the async code

    var response = await Client.GetAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>(request);

    to flow as expected.

    For example

    public async Task Get_ClientReturns404_ThrowsNotFoundException() {
        var originalException = new Exception("Status code 404");
        var response = A.Fake<Nest.IGetResponse<Dictionary<string, object>>>();
        A.CallTo(() => response.OriginalException).Returns(originalException);
        var client = A.Fake<Nest.IElasticClient>();
        A.CallTo(() => 
            client.GetAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>(A<IGetRequest>._, A<CancellationToken>._)
        var request = new DataGetRequest {
            CollectionName = string.Empty,
            DocumentType = string.Empty,
            DataAccessType = string.Empty
        var elasticSearch = new ElasticSearch(null, client);
        // Act
        var result = await elasticSearch.Get(request);
        // Assert
        Assert.Fail("Should have hit an exception.");