I am sending a message like this:
char buffer[175];
sprintf(buffer, "MD: %4ld %2d %10s %5s %7.2f %5d\n"
, id
, position
, *(MktDepthOperation::ENUMS) operation
, *(MktDeptSide::ENUMS)side
, price
, size);
PrintProcessId, printf(buffer);
SolSendMessage("testhello", buffer);
void SolSendMessage(const char* topic, const char *text_p)
if (s_canSend) {
if ((rc = solClient_session_sendMsg(session_p, msg_p)) != SOLCLIENT_OK) {
On the sub side, I am just dumping the message. How do I sscanf the fields back from the binary buffer that encodes the solace proprietary format? I am trying to avoid google protocol buffers
and using the recommended Solace proprietary format
messageReceiveCallback ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt opaqueSession_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
//printf ( "Received message:\n" );
solClient_msg_dump ( msg_p, NULL, 0 );
printf ( "\n" );
It is not clear from your code snippet how your buffer is being set on the message. To simply send and receive a string in the binary attachment of the message with the Solace API, you can use solClient_msg_setBinaryAttachment when sending and solClient_msg_getBinaryAttachment to retrieve the string when receiving. It is not recommended to sscanf the output of solClient_msg_dump as this will include extra information about the headers of the message. This message dump utility is provided as a programming aid to facilitate the development and testing of messaging applications, not to directly extract the data in a message.
Another option is to use Solace Structured Data Type. Solace SDTs are structured, language-independent, and architecture-independent data types. They can be used in messages to facilitate the exchange of binary data in a heterogeneous network that has clients that use different hardware architectures and programming languages. If you are sending a fixed data structure, you can use "createBinaryAttachmentStream" to create a stream of structured data.
e.g. If you have a fixed data structure like:
struct MD {
long id;
int position;
char operation[10];
char side[5];
float price;
int size);
You can create a stream of structured data and then call addInt64/addInt32/addString/addString/addFloat/addInt
for each of the members. On the receiving side, you can retrieve the dataStructure members by calling getInt64/getInt32
, etc. Otherwise, if you are not using a known data structure, you can use a map instead of a stream and name each field appropriately.
More information about Solace Structured Data Types is available here: https://docs.solace.com/Solace-PubSub-Messaging-APIs/Developer-Guide/SDT-Containers.htm