I have an Aspect with the following pointcut definition
@Pointcut("execution(public de.company.project..* *(..))")
and a spring configuration containing the following
<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
<bean id="myaspect"
class="de.company.project.impl.MyAspect" />
<bean id="someService" class="de.company.project.impl.SomeService" />
<bean name="/SomeService"
<property name="service" ref="someService" />
<property name="serviceInterface"
value="de.company.project.interf.SomeService" />
(there are multiple services in the real configuration)
I see the aspect getting invoked in some methods, but not on all. I am suspecting (but not completely shure yet) only the methods declared directly in the interface get wrapped in the aspect and methods declared in a superinterface get ignored (although that interface should match the same pointcut).
Is this expected behaviour? How can I change it? What else might be going on?
The answer is: I messed up the Pointcut pattern. Looks like this
@Pointcut("execution(public de.company.project..* *(..))")
specifies the package of the return type, while this
@Pointcut("execution(public de.company.project..*(..))")
specifies the package of the type which has the method.