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Java httpServer basic authentication for different request methods

I'm using a very simple httpServer in Java for an api rest with GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. I'm using Basic Authentication and I have a couple classes and which I use to authenticate and check permissions for the users.

So, the thing is that I want all users (authenticated) to be able to GET information from my api rest, but only users with certain privileges to be able to POST, PUT and DELETE. So how can I do that?

This is what I got

public class Server {

  private static HttpServer server;

  public static void start() throws IOException {

    server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8000), 0);
    HttpContext ctx = server.createContext("/users", new UserHandler());
    ctx.setAuthenticator(new ApiRestBasicAuthentication("users"));



And this is my ApiRestBasicAuthentication

public class ApiRestBasicAuthentication extends BasicAuthenticator {

  private UserAuthentication authentication = new UserAuthentication();

  public ApiRestBasicAuthentication(String realm) {

  public boolean checkCredentials(String user, String pwd) {
    int authCode = authentication.authenticate(user, pwd);
    return authCode == UserAuthentication.USER_AUTHENTICATED;


As this is now, check credentials is only checking if the user is authenticated. But I'd like to check, if the method is POST, DELETE or PUT I should also check the specific credentials. But how can I get the method in my ApiRestBasicAuthentication? I'm doing that in my handler class

public void handle(HttpExchange httpExchange) throws IOException {
    String method = httpExchange.getRequestMethod();
    if ("post".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
    } else if ("get".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
    } else if ("put".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
    } else if ("delete".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {

Maybe this is supposed to be done some other way. Any ideas?

Many thanks.


  • A simple way to do it would be to change your ApiRestBasicAuthentication like:

    public class ApiRestBasicAuthentication extends BasicAuthenticator {
      private UserAuthentication authentication = new UserAuthentication();
      public ApiRestBasicAuthentication(String realm) {
      public Authenticator.Result authenticate(HttpExchange exch) {
          Authenticator.Result result=super.authenticate(exch);
          if(result instanceof Authenticator.Success) {
              HttpPrincipal principal=((Authenticator.Success)result).getPrincipal();
              String requestMethod=exch.getRequestMethod();       
                  return new return new Authenticator.Failure(401);
              return result;
      public boolean checkCredentials(String user, String pwd) {
        int authCode = authentication.authenticate(user, pwd);
        return authCode == UserAuthentication.USER_AUTHENTICATED;

    And add some logic there for requests/users that you want to fail the authenticator. I have shown you here how to get the method in the authenticate method but you need to specify the types of credentials.

    Another solution would be if you check the source code of BasicAuthenticator you can see how it implements authenticate method and you can create your own implementation in a similar way instead of extending BasicAuthenticator and use the get method instead of just the username and password. You can see the source code here and I am sure you will be able to find your way around ;)

    Usually in enterprise application you can use some external security management system - for example if you use Spring (the de facto standard in the current java web apps) you can use spring security and do such security patterns and filters in a more declarative way