I'm trying to split a sentence with .!? like it was done in this question, but also account for possible double quotes at the beginning and end of a sentence. I'm using this:
let str = '" Non. Es-tu sûr ? "';
let result = str.match(/[^\.!\?]+[\.!\?]+/g);
But when I do it, the 2 characters after the ? are not caught. So instead of getting:
['" Non.', 'Es-tu sûr ? "']
I'm getting:
['" Non.', 'Es-tu sûr ?']
Is there anyway to split these sentences using regex?
Looks like all you need to do is optionally match "
s at the beginning and end:
let str = '" Non. Es-tu sûr ? "';
str.match( /"?[^.!?]+[.!?]+(?: *")?/g )