Can I add Custom Control as Marker to OSMBONUSPACK?
I create some Buttons and image in Android xml file Named MyMarkerItem.xml
I would like something like MyMarker.setDesign(R.layout.MyMarkerItem);
OK, I understand that you want the marker icon itself to be not a simple bitmap, but a layout.
What you can do is to use the marker infowindow "instead" of the marker icon.
First of all, create a new class CustomInfoWindow which inherits from MarkerInfoWindow - the default InfoWindow for Markers, and uses your own layout:
public class CustomInfoWindow extends MarkerInfoWindow {
public CustomInfoWindow(MapView mapView) {
super(my_own_layout, mapView);
CustomInfoWindow myCustomInfoWindow = new CustomInfoWindow(mapView);
Then, just after creating your Marker, do that:
All these steps are fairly simple.
But then, I guess you expect some behaviour to happen when the user will click on your layout buttons. So, inside your CustomInfoWindow code, you will certainly have to do some work => follow this tutorial.