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How to do a fallback img in v-img in Vuetify?

In Vuetify I have a v-img, and I want to change the image to a fallback one if the main one fails.

<v-img :src="cPicture" contain v-on:error="onImgError"></v-img>

cPicture : function() {
            return this.failed_image ? "" : "http://myimg.jpg/";

onImgError : function(event) {
            this.failed_image = true;

the alert 1 happens. Vuetify also throws an error in the console. But the fallback image does not show.

How can I fix this?

The main image above has intentionally a bad link, but if I use a good link, it will be shown.


  • You could use cPicture as a computed property and onImgError as a method :

    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      data() {
        return {
          failed_image: false
      computed: {
        cPicture: function() {
          return this.failed_image ? "" : "";
      methods: {
        onImgError: function(event) {
          this.failed_image = true;
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="app">
      <v-app id="inspire">
          <v-flex xs12 sm6 offset-sm3>
              <v-container grid-list-sm fluid>
                <v-img :src="cPicture" contain v-on:error="onImgError"></v-img>

    check this pen


    I had provided an invalid image link for the desired image, in this case we will have an exception which will be shown in console :

    "[Vuetify] Image load failed

    in this case we will load another image with a valid link