I'm getting my matrix multiplication output waveform in hexadecimal but not in matrix form as shown in
The Matrix answer (Res1
) is given as {0,0},{0,0} whereas the expected answer would be {19,22},{43,50}. Why do I get this unexpected answer?
// Main file
module mat_mul(A,B,Res);
input [31:0] A;
input [31:0] B;
output [31:0] Res;
//internal variables
reg [31:0] Res;
reg [7:0] A1 [0:1][0:1];
reg [7:0] B1 [0:1][0:1];
reg [7:0] Res1 [0:1][0:1];
integer i,j,k;
always@ (A or B)
//Initialize the matrices-convert 1 D to 3D arrays
{A1[0][0],A1[0][1],A1[1][0],A1[1][1]} = A;
{B1[0][0],B1[0][1],B1[1][0],B1[1][1]} = B;
i = 0;
j = 0;
k = 0;
{Res1[0][0],Res1[0][1],Res1[1][0],Res1[1][1]} = 32'd0;
//Matrix multiplication
for(i=0;i < 2;i=i+1)
for(j=0;j < 2;j=j+1)
for(k=0;k < 2;k=k+1)
Res1[i][j] = Res1[i][j] + (A1[i][k] * B1[k][j]);
//final output assignment - 3D array to 1D array conversion.
Res = {Res1[0][0],Res1[0][1],Res1[1][0],Res1[1][1]};
// Test Bench
module mat_mul_tb();
// Inputs
reg [31:0] A;
reg [31:0] B;
reg [7:0] A1[0:1][0:1];
reg [7:0] B1[0:1][0:1];
// Outputs
wire [31:0] Res;
reg [7:0] Res1[0:1][0:1];
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
mat_mul uut (.A(A),.B(B),.Res(Res));
initial begin
// Apply Inputs
A = 0; B = 0; #100;
A = {8'd1,8'd2,8'd3,8'd4};
B = {8'd5,8'd6,8'd7,8'd8};
{A1[0][0],A1[0][1],A1[1][0],A1[1][1]} = A;
{B1[0][0],B1[0][1],B1[1][0],B1[1][1]} = B;
{Res1[0][0],Res1[0][1],Res1[1][0],Res1[1][1]} = Res;
There is a race condition between when Res1 is assigned and when you $display
its value. You should make sure Res1 is updated whenever Res changes, and you can add a delay before displaying:
always @* {Res1[0][0],Res1[0][1],Res1[1][0],Res1[1][1]} = Res;
initial begin
// Apply Inputs
A = 0; B = 0; #100;
A = {8'd1,8'd2,8'd3,8'd4};
B = {8'd5,8'd6,8'd7,8'd8};
{A1[0][0],A1[0][1],A1[1][0],A1[1][1]} = A;
{B1[0][0],B1[0][1],B1[1][0],B1[1][1]} = B;
// {Res1[0][0],Res1[0][1],Res1[1][0],Res1[1][1]} = Res;
#1; // Add some delay
The @*
syntax means that every time the RHS of an assignment (Res
) changes, the LHS (Res1
) is updated. Refer to the free IEEE Std 1800-2012, section Implicit event_expression list.