Consider tableA
which has column row_added_dttm
of type timestamp without timezone
. The actual value is 2017-08-31 18:34:42.813175
After I executed the below query, it results in a timestamp with timezone like {"crt_dttm":"2017-08-31T18:34:42.813175"}
select row_to_json(t) from (select row_added_dttm from tableA limit 1) as t;
But the format which I require is something like 2017-08-31T18:34:42.813Z
. I am not sure how to generate that, please help. Using row_to_json
is required.
There is no way to influence the format used by row_to_json
You could define a view on your table and use
to_char(row_added_dttm, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.MS"Z"')
to format the timestamp
as a string.
Then you can use row_to_json
on that view to get your desired result.