I am developing Spring Boot + Spring Data Redis
example. In this example, I'm developing the code for the RedisMessageListenerContainer
and define the corresponding bean here.
Now when I run the application I get the below error. Could someone guide me what is the issue ?
The bean 'redisMessageListenerContainer', defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/session/RedisSessionConfiguration$SpringBootRedisHttpSessionConfiguration.class], could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined in com.example.RedisApplication and overriding is disabled.
Consider renaming one of the beans or enabling overriding by setting spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true
public class RedisApplication {
private OrderRepository orderRepository;
private LineItemRepository lineItemRepository;
private ApplicationRunner titleRunner(String title, ApplicationRunner rr) {
return args -> {
log.info(title.toUpperCase() + ":");
ApplicationRunner geography(RedisTemplate<String, String> rt) {
return titleRunner("geography", args -> {
GeoOperations<String, String> geo = rt.opsForGeo();
geo.add("Sicily", new Point(13.361389, 38.155556), "Arigento");
geo.add("Ramesh", new Point(15.087269, 37.502669), "Catania");
geo.add("Anup", new Point(13.583333, 37.316667), "Palermo");
Circle circle = new Circle(new Point(13.583333, 37.316667),
new Distance(100, RedisGeoCommands.DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS));
GeoResults<GeoLocation<String>> radius = geo.radius("Sicily", circle);
radius.getContent().forEach(c -> log.info(c.toString()));
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(RedisApplication.class, args);
ApplicationRunner repositories() {
return titleRunner("repositories", args -> {
Long orderId = generateId();
List<LineItem> itemsList = Arrays.asList(
new LineItem(orderId, generateId(), "plunger"),
new LineItem(orderId, generateId(), "soup"),
new LineItem(orderId, generateId(), "cofee mug"));
itemsList.stream().map(lineItemRepository::save).forEach(li -> log.info(li.toString()));
Order order = new Order(orderId, new Date(), itemsList);
Collection<Order> found = orderRepository.findByWhen(order.getWhen());
found.forEach(o -> log.info("found : " + o.toString()));
private Long generateId() {
long tmp = new Random().nextLong();
return Math.max(tmp, tmp * -1);
private final String TOPIC = "Chat";
ApplicationRunner pubSub(RedisTemplate<String, String> rt) {
return titleRunner("publish/subscribe", args ->{
rt.convertAndSend(TOPIC, "Hello World @ "+Instant.now().toString());
RedisMessageListenerContainer redisMessageListenerContainer(RedisConnectionFactory rcf) {
MessageListener ml = (message, pattern) -> {
String str = new String(message.getBody());
log.info("message from ' " + TOPIC + "':'" + str);
RedisMessageListenerContainer mlc = new RedisMessageListenerContainer();
mlc.addMessageListener(ml, new PatternTopic(TOPIC));
return mlc;
I am not sure if it's a bug, but if you give any name other than redisMessageListenerContainer
i.e Spring will consider bean name, then it works fine.
RedisMessageListenerContainer listener(RedisConnectionFactory rcf) {
MessageListener ml = (message, pattern) -> {
String str = new String(message.getBody());
log.info("message from ' " + TOPIC + "':'" + str);
RedisMessageListenerContainer mlc = new RedisMessageListenerContainer();
mlc.addMessageListener(ml, new PatternTopic(TOPIC));
return mlc;