I am have some old ColdFusion code. It was originally written for CF9, but is now running on CF 2016.
local.esapi = createObject("java", "org.owasp.esapi.ESAPI");
application.esapiEncoder = local.esapi.encoder()
Much later
Regular page
form.Reason = application.esapiEncoder.encodeForHtml(form.Reason);
I am thinking of replacing this with
form.Reason = encodeForHTML(form.Reason);
Do these function the same?
Yes, the encodeForX()
functions use OWASP's ESAPI behind the scenes. encodeForHTML()
is CF10+ and has a canonicalize
argument, which takes the input down to its lowest factor. CF2016 added an encodeFor
argument to a cfoutput
tag for outputting that does similar. There's also the canonicalize()
function that will throw an error that you can catch. That's useful for seeing if someone is trying to throw nefarious inputs at your form or site. I can't think of a legit reason for double- or multi-encoding an input, and I would interpret such as an attack. The argument in the encodeForX()
function will take it down to its base evaluation, but it doesn't throw an error and just returns the resulting output. Personally, I'm not sure that there's much of an accidental way to pass a value that would be picked up by canonicalization, and I'd simply rather catch that attempt and kick that user off of my site.