A colleague and I have been partnered on a project for school, in which we must take an existing site and revamp it to client specifications.
The client's site is the college journalism site, built on Joomla. They're currently using an archaic version, and we are migrating their content to a new installation. In addition to an overhaul to the interface (which we are having no trouble with) the client has asked for the addition of some features.
For Email subscription services, we've decided on jNews, and after a preliminary check on a temporary install it seems to be a decent choice. The problem we've come across is with the other two feature additions.
My question essentially is; What suggestions could SO offer of Joomla Extensions that provide moderated social commentary functionality, and multimedia (audio/video) integration, that play well together. I've looked at yvComment and jMultimedia for social commentary and multimedia integrations respectively, however jMultimedia breaks entirely (PHP throws an exception) post install, and yvComment is giving me headaches.
Just some quick details on the functionality;
I'm only looking for suggestions, not comprehensive installation/customization instructions, though I'm certainly not opposed to hearing any from those who have performed such tasks successfully :) Thanks in advance!
I've used several email subscription services... I found AcyMailing to be the best. Especially if you have to do newsletters often.
Moderated social commentary - jComment is a good choice for adding commenting features to the Joomla Articles. However, I recommend using non-native version of content management like K2. K2 is extremely powerful CCK with many cook features and it comes with commenting features, social media sharing and author pages.
I used several components for videos about a year ago. The best one I found was hwVideoShare. It is a great video component similar to Youtube with sharing, commenting, etc... I'm not sure about audio.
If you need community component which has Video/Images/etc look into JomSocial. That thing is amazing.